Squadron of Martyrs

Translation/Interpretation/Caption Text: 

Arabic translation:

(text at top)

Squadron of martyrs of the Arab Liberation Front

Who where shot down by the perfidious Kata'eb thug agent

At Ain el-Rammaneh on the afternoon of Sunday April 14, 1975


Believing that the perpetrators were Palestinian guerrillas who carried the attack in retaliation for the earlier driver incident, and outraged by the audacity of the attempt on the life of their historical leader, the Phalangists planned an immediate response. Shortly after mid-day, a PLO bus carrying unsuspecting Palestinian Arab Liberation Front (ALF) militants and Lebanese sympathizers (including women and children) returning from a political rally at Tel el-Zaatar held by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC) passed through Ain el-Rammaneh on its way to Sabra refugee camp. As the bus drove through the narrow street-alleys, it fell into an ambush outside the same Church perpetrated by a squad of Phalange KRF militiamen led by Bashir Gemayel, Pierre Gemayel's younger son. The Phalangists promptly fired upon the vehicle, killing 27 and wounding 19 of its passagers, including the driver. According to sociologist Samir Khalaf all 28 passengers were killed, although other sources stated that 22 PLO members were shot dead by the Phalangists.

