A Steadfast People - IDF Misinterpretation

Translation/Interpretation/Caption Text: 

Arabic translation:

A steadfast people

Note: This poster may be viewed in detail here


Curator's note:

In its (mis)interpretation of this poster the IDF website states that:

1) Hamas is calling on the people to become human shields

2) Hamas uses such posters to encourage Palestinians to become heroes/marytrs by acting as human shields

Both of these assertions are incorrect: Hamas did not authorize, commission, print, design or distribute this poster

This poster has nothing to do with Hamas at all

Rather, it is an homage to the Palestinians of Gaza and the figures on the roofs represent all Palestinians, everywhere, standing in solidarity with their co-nationalists under attack in Gaza

The point of the poster, released during Operation Protective Edge in 2014and missed entirely by the IDF is that the Palestinian people remain unintimidated by Israel and its military

This poster is a re-affirmation of the Palestinian nationalist value of relentless steadfastness - (Arabic) sumud - a national-value-presented-individually in furtherance of the idea not of permanent war, but of perpetual resistance to occupation, exile and refugeehood




Read the IDF's original blog page here