Translation/Interpretation/Caption Text:
San Francisco, CA, USA, 2nd Aug, 2014. August 2nd, San Francisco, California USA. Signs condeming Israel bombing of Gaza, sacredness of all children , deportation of South American children immigrants on the border and against Zionism are stacked on ground after demonstration of over 1000 mostly Latino women in the Mission district of San Francisco. Demonstrators chant respect existence or expect resistance. Credit: Bob Kreisel/Alamy Live News
Contributor: Bob Kreisel / Alamy Stock Photo
Image ID: E5KDPJ
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24.2 MB (1.1 MB Compressed download)
Dimensions: 3534 x 2397 px | 29.9 x 20.3 cm | 11.8 x 8 inches | 300dpi
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Prostest make up signs protesting Israeli occupation and bombing of Gaza as well as US deportation of illegal children coming across us border of the Rio Grande.
Date taken: 2 August 2014
Location: 24th street Mission District San Francisco California usa