Barak's Partner

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REUTERS / Alamy Stock Photo

File size:

7.1 MB (295.3 KB Compressed download)


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2048 x 1219 px | 34.7 x 20.6 cm | 13.7 x 8.1 inches | 150dpi

Date taken:

15 November 2000


Jim Hollander


A pedestrian passes a poster in Jerusalem November 15, 2000 which shows Palestinian President Yasser Arafat holding up bloodied hands waving to people outside the West Bank town of Ramallah's police station with the banner in Hebrew reading, "Barak's Partner." The poster is a digitally manipulated version of a news photo widely published last month which showed a Palestinian with bloody hands inside the Ramallah police station moments after the Palestinian lynching of two Israeli reserve soldiers who mistakenly wandered off the main road and into Ramallah.

[November 15th is the symbolic anniversary of the declaration of a Palestinian state made by Arafat in Algiers.]