Translation/Interpretation/Caption Text: Special thanks to Rochelle Davis and Andrea Davis for organizing and creating this portfolio Artist/Designer/Photographer: Taisir MasriehLanguage: ArabicEnglishYear: 2004Publisher: Al Kasaba Theatre and Cinematheque (Ramallah)Published in: PalestineSource/Credit/Provenance: Gift from Sally AbubakrSent in by Rochelle DavisStatus/Acquisition Goals: The PPPA has an original copy of this poster/itemOriginal Copy Location: Portfolio 4000 - 4100Original Copy Number: 4076Number of duplicates: 0Related links: Al Kasaba Theatre and Cinematheque web siteWellspring: Palestinian Nationalist Artists/AgenciesSpecial Collection: Al Kasaba Theatre and CinemathequeFilm/Cinema/Movie/Theatre/Concerts/FestivalsTurbo DesignPosters To Be Gifted - Tranche 11 (25 posters/C.Brunello - 2015))