Fermiamo il Genocidio Palestinese

Translation/Interpretation/Caption Text: 

Italian translation:

Israel terrorist

Stop the genocide of the Palestinians

(text from FN web site - temporary Googletranslation)

"Yes, Forza Nuova is certainly an anti-Zionist political movement," it said in response that Roberto Fiore sent to the press after the attack yesterday by the president of Rome's Jewish community to pro-Palestinian posters, post events in the city from the same FN. "Zionism, in fact, represents a dangerous form of racism that is constantly in history, led unrest, wars and terrorist attacks. We are convinced that the only way to live with for Palestinians and Jews both within a confederal state, where possible dominance of one ethnic group over the others, who adopts a constitutional very similar to the Swiss. ""The choice of 'bloody picture that we decided to use is motivated by the need to know Italian and European public opinion, the atrocities of a war in which, following a precise intention, (think rockets into the crowd, to attack the UN school and orphanage in Beit Lahya or the massacre of Gaza beach), the attackers just link the killing of children and innocent people. ""We therefore believe - he concluded flower in his reply - that the allegations of Pacific on the presumed will of the Palestinian forces to" bring forth children, "to ingratiate himself with the public, are not only an insult to reason, psychological weapon -very weak argument, useful only to turn into a boomerang. serve, in fact, to bring to mind all the 60 years of terrorist and genocidal practices implemented by the Israeli state. "