Artist/Designer/Photographer: Natheer Naba'aLanguage: ArabicEnglishDimensions: 40 x 21 cmYear: Circa 1968Publisher: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)Source/Credit/Provenance: Sent in by Peter Würtz SippelStatus/Acquisition Goals: The PPPA has only a digital version of this poster/image/article/graphic/itemThe PPPA seeks more information on this artist/poster/graphic/publisherNumber of duplicates: 0Wellspring: Palestinian Nationalist Artists/AgenciesIconography: KaffiyehWeapons/Bombs/Armaments/GunsIsrael state/Flag/Star of David/Zionism/IconsSpecial Collection: Via Submit PosterPopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)GazaAttributed OnlyNatheer Naba'aIsrael Defense Forces