Translation/Interpretation/Caption Text: Artist's note: This poster relates to the big forest fire in Carmel and says: "David Tartakover wishes you a super year". The "super" relates to the "super tanker" plane that flew from the U.S. to help control the fire Artist/Designer/Photographer: David TartakoverLanguage: HebrewYear: 2011Publisher: Self-published by artist(s)Published in: IsraelSource/Credit/Provenance: Gift from the artistStatus/Acquisition Goals: The PPPA has only a digital version of this poster/image/article/graphic/itemNumber of duplicates: 0Related links: David Tartakover's web siteHa'aretz article on the Carmel fire of 2010Wellspring: Zionist/Israeli Artists/AgenciesSpecial Collection: David Tartakover