Translation/Interpretation/Caption Text: Indonesian translation: (text at bottom)Marking three years since the Israeli invasion on GazaCurator's note: This poster announces the airing of a Norwegian-produced documentary film "Tears of Gaza" Artist/Designer/Photographer: Research in Progress Year: 2012Publisher: Sahabat Al-Aqsha - The Silaturrahim Network of Indonesian-Palestinian Families Published in: IndonesiaSource/Credit/Provenance: Sent in by publisherStatus/Acquisition Goals: The PPPA has only a digital version of this poster/image/article/graphic/itemNumber of duplicates: 0Related links: Sahabat Al-Aqsha, the Silaturrahim Network of Indonesian-Palestinian Families web site (Indonesian language only) Wikipedia essay on Operation Cast Lead - the 2009 Israeli invasion of GazaWellspring: Arab/Muslim Artists/AgenciesIconography: Woman/FemaleSpecial Collection: Film/Cinema/Movie/Theatre/Concerts/FestivalsGaza