Translation/Interpretation/Caption Text: Arabic translation: Together until the liberation of the land of oranges Artist/Designer/Photographer: Emad Abdel WahhabLanguage: ArabicEnglishDimensions: 19" x 27"Year: Circa 1985Publisher: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)Source/Credit/Provenance: Purchased by Liberation GraphicsStatus/Acquisition Goals: The PPPA has an original copy of this poster/itemOriginal Copy Location: Portfolio 1401 - 1500Original Copy Number: 1416Number of duplicates: 1Related links: Wikipedia article on the PFLPPFLP web siteWikipedia essay on the Jaffa orangeWellspring: Palestinian Nationalist Artists/AgenciesIconography: Orange/CitrusWoman/FemaleSpecial Collection: Liberation Graphics Collection (RMF)Steven Wachlin CollectionInternational Women's DayEmad Abdel WahhabPopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)Palestinian women's traditional garments/embroidery/tatreezLiberation Graphics Collection of Palestine Posters/Portfolios-ChronologicallyLiberation Graphics Collection of Palestine Posters/Memory of the World (Nominated - 2016-2017)Cancelled/Censored/Compromised/Criticized/Blacklisted Exhibits/Posters/Cultural Events/InstitutionsBassel Abi-Chahine Collection