Translation/Interpretation/Caption Text: Curator's note: the text at the bottom of this poster reads: A two month old fetus One of the Palestinian captives who is spending a period of his life in the Israeli prison Artist/Designer/Photographer: Riyad HamadLanguage: ArabicYear: 2008Publisher: Abu Jihad Museum (Palestine)Source/Credit/Provenance: Gift from the publisherStatus/Acquisition Goals: The PPPA has a non-poster version of imageNumber of duplicates: 0Related links: Blue Square poster exhibit at the Abu Jihad prisoners museumWikipedia essay on Palestinian prisoners in IsraelWellspring: Palestinian Nationalist Artists/AgenciesIconography: Barbed wireSpecial Collection: Blue Square Poster ExhibitionPrisons/Prisoners/Detainees/Hostages/Arrestees/WantedRiyad Hamad