Translation/Interpretation/Caption Text: Arabic translation: Long live Zapata - hero of the Mexican revolution - 1915 Long live Abd al Kader al Husseini - hero of the Palestinian revolution - 1948 Artist/Designer/Photographer: Burhan KarkoutlyLanguage: ArabicYear: Circa 1981Publisher: Research in ProgressPublished in: MexicoSource/Credit/Provenance: Gift Status/Acquisition Goals: The PPPA seeks a better JPEG of this posterThe PPPA has a non-poster version of imageOriginal Copy Location: Portfolio 801 - 900Original Copy Number: 860Number of duplicates: 0Related links: Wikipedia essay on Emiliano ZapataWikipedia entry onAbd al Qadir al HusayniWellspring: Palestinian Nationalist Artists/AgenciesIconography: Clenched fist/Hand/Arm/FingersFlowers/Fruit/PlantsWeapons/Bombs/Armaments/GunsSpecial Collection: Palestinian Expressions of Solidarity With Other Countries/Revolutions/Liberation MovementsBurhan KarkoutlyLeadership/Historical figuresLiberation Graphics Collection of Palestine Posters/Portfolios-ChronologicallyLiberation Graphics Collection of Palestine Posters/Memory of the World (Nominated - 2016-2017)