Exhibits/Exhibitions/Art Shows

Title Artist/Designer/Photographer Year
281 view 56 X 56 - Benziman Naama Benziman 2004
282 view 56 X 56 - Amichay Gideon Amichay 2004
283 view 56 X 56 - Churges Diana Churges 2004
284 view 56 X 56 - Eshkar-Britton Miri Eshkar-Britton 2004
285 view 56 X 56 - Dayagi Raffi Dayagi 2004
286 view 56 X 56 - Goldfine Eddie Goldfine 2004
287 view 56 X 56 - Harel and Tally Kellner Gazit Tally Kellner, Sharon Harel 2004
288 view 56 X 56 - Kowner Elyasaf Kowner 2004
289 view 56 X 56 - Lerman Michal Lerman 2004
290 view 56 X 56 - Mitelman Edvardo Mitelman 2004
291 view 56 X 56 - Sudaey Michal Sudaey 2004
292 view 56 X 56 - First and Murro Ayelet First, Sharon Murro 2004
293 view 56 X 56 - Naeh Baruch Naeh 2004
294 view 56 X 56 - Schreuer Terry Schreuer 2004
295 view The Art of Getting Bent Out of Shape - NYT Mohammed Roukwie 2004
296 view International Agunah Day Research in Progress 2005
297 view 57 X 57 - Krebs Assaf Krebs 2005
298 view Graphic Imperative Chaz Maviyane Davies 2005
299 view Breaking the Silence Research in Progress 2005
300 view Art and War Guy Saggee 2005
301 view Memory of Al Nakba - Memory of Exile Amin Khalil 2005
302 view Explosive Ideas Yossi Lemel 2006
303 view Build Guy Saggee 2006
304 view Rebuild Guy Saggee 2006
305 view Resist Guy Saggee 2006
306 view Index Research in Progress 2006
307 view Mahfouza's Olive Abdul Hay Mosallam  2006
308 view Pay Attention Israel Lahav Halevy 2007
309 view At the Gates of Heaven Lena Sobeh 2007
310 view Sketches Sliman Mansour 2007
311 view When She Leaves Fawzy Emrany 2008
312 view Neighbors In Dialogue Ideologija , Steve Sabella 2008
313 view For the Right of Return Research in Progress 2008
314 view A Tale of Love and Revolution Burhan Karkoutly 2009
315 view Coping Mechanism Research in Progress 2009
316 view From Dream To Reality - Zionism and the Birth of Israel Research in Progress 2009
317 view Gate To Jerusalem Research in Progress 2009
318 view From Golan Research in Progress 2009
319 view Lighting Lamps Research in Progress 2009
320 view Lighting Lamps - Cartoons Touring Exhibition From the Middle East Research in Progress 2009
