Guidelines For A Civil War

Translation/Interpretation/Caption Text: 



Hebrew translation:

(text at top)

Home Front Command

Guidelines for a civil war

Better bring:

Shoes for sports

A water bottle

Pocket knife or a knuckle-duster

A picture of a little girl, preferably gray scale, gives your character a dramatic effect

A cape, because when if not now?

And a lot of good attitude

(text on right)

For your convenience, a map: right wing left wing Arab people who call speed bumps tubercles; people from Haifa (pink); people who like lemon waffles; whoever lives here

* the Arabs are against the winners

(text on left)

Remember, civil war doesn't stop skin cancer, so carry sunglasses, a hat and sunscreen with you

(text at bottom)

General notes:

Petah Tikva doesn't compete. They've lost enough

Don't talk to strangers. It's weird

The Hebrew academy is in Givat Ram, Jerusalem

Stay out of Natanya. Even not in the civil war

Blue: Leftists

Red: Righties

Green: Arabs

Orange: People that live in Haifa

Black: Whoever lives there