Translation/Interpretation/Caption Text: What if all you had was a slingshot to defend your life?Solidarity with Palestine Artist/Designer/Photographer: Melanie CervantesLanguage: EnglishDimensions: 20" x 26"Year: 2009Publisher: Dignidad Rebelde (USA)Published in: United States of AmericaSource/Credit/Provenance: Gift from the artistStatus/Acquisition Goals: The PPPA has only a digital version of this poster/image/article/graphic/itemNumber of duplicates: 0Related links: Dignidad Rebelde's web siteWikipedia essay on the flag of Palestinejust Seeds - artists cooperative web siteWellspring: International Artists/AgenciesIconography: KaffiyehPalestinian flag/ColorsSlingshot/Al NiqafaSpecial Collection: Dignidad RebeldeJustseeds Artists’ CooperativeMelanie CervantesSignal: 01