Translation/Interpretation/Caption Text: Hebrew translation: Five years since the fall of the City of David! One God in heaven, and not two Jerusalems The capital of Israel for the kingdom and its resurrection—one by one! More will be liberated! The Old City Wall is not the border of Jerusalem Artist/Designer/Photographer: EsheimLanguage: HebrewDimensions: 19 1/2" x 28"Year: 1953Publisher: BetarPublished in: IsraelSource/Credit/Provenance: InternetStatus/Acquisition Goals: The PPPA has only a digital version of this poster/image/article/graphic/itemNumber of duplicates: 0Wellspring: Zionist/Israeli Artists/AgenciesIconography: Barbed wireReligious symbols/Texts/Icons/FiguresSpecial Collection: JerusalemBetar