Translation/Interpretation/Caption Text: Italian translation: 15 May - day of solidarity with the Palestinian people The tragedy of the Palestinian people was initiated with the birth of the Zionist state on the 15th of May, 1948 Revolution until victory Artist/Designer/Photographer: Mustafa Al Hallaj (1938-2002)Language: ItalianYear: Circa 1980Publisher: General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS) ItalyPublished in: ItalySource/Credit/Provenance: Purchased by Liberation GraphicsStatus/Acquisition Goals: The PPPA has an original copy of this poster/itemOriginal Copy Location: Portfolio 1101 - 1200Original Copy Number: 1191Number of duplicates: 0Related links: Wikipedia essay on the NakbaWellspring: Palestinian Nationalist Artists/AgenciesIconography: Chains/Shackles/Handcuffs/Restraints/Locks/Cells/BarsDeek/RoosterHorseSun/Moon/Stars/PlanetsWeapons/Bombs/Armaments/GunsWoman/FemaleSpecial Collection: PPPA Gifted PostersLiberation Graphics Collection (RMF)Al Nakba/The CatastrophePPPA Gifted Posters/Georgetown University - 1General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS)May 15 - Day of Palestinian Struggle/Day of Palestinian Return/Nakba DayMustafa Al HallajLiberation Graphics Collection of Palestine Posters/Portfolios-ChronologicallyLiberation Graphics Collection of Palestine Posters/Memory of the World (Nominated - 2016-2017)Anti-Zionism