Iconography of the Public Exhibit - 2


A very interesting, informative and multi-faceted presentation and discussion about street art and graffiti in public spaces in export 33 in Speicherstrasse - under # HUNAK. Specifically, among other things went it comes to the design of the house facade in Münsterstrasse by the graffiti artist Yazan Halwani who has this artistically designed in several days during a workshop with the students inside * the Anne Frank School.
In the overall context of 'writing, language, and public space "as well as the meaning and representation of Arabic script and language gave Lisa Bogert (research assistant at the Goethe University Frankfurt) and Fabian Heerbaart (research assistant and doctoral student at the University of Cologne) again another perspective on the subject.
The parallel exhibition "iconography of the public" in the Export (The aesthetics of historical graphic works - posters from films, cultural events and political mobilization - reflecting popular culture, political attitudes and visual codes of the time in the Arab world) is still to 4 October free to visit. Upcoming tours to: SO, September 27th, 13:00 CLOCK / SA, October 3rd, 15:00 CLOCK & SO, October 4th, 13:00 CLOCK.




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