Translation/Interpretation/Caption Text: Hebrew translation: Niv Ha-Halohem newspaper of the Herut movement - 1949 - Internal newspaper - not for sale Artist/Designer/Photographer: Research in Progress Language: HebrewYear: 1949Publisher: Herut Party (Israel)Published in: IsraelSource/Credit/Provenance: InternetStatus/Acquisition Goals: The PPPA has only a digital version of this poster/image/article/graphic/itemThe PPPA seeks more information on this artist/poster/graphic/publisherNumber of duplicates: 0Wellspring: Zionist/Israeli Artists/AgenciesIconography: Israel state/Flag/Star of David/Zionism/IconsReligious symbols/Texts/Icons/FiguresSpecial Collection: Herut PartyRevisionist ZionismZionist-published posters that use the Israeli flag/Star of David politically/militarily/religiously