Palestine In All Its Forms - 2

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Exhibition title:

Palestine, La Création dans tous ses états - Palestine In All Its Forms

Hosted by the Institut du Monde Arab in Paris, June 23 - Nov 22, 2009

Participating artists:

Mona Hatoum, Kamal Boullata, Emily Jacir, Sharif Waked, Samia Halaby, Hani Zurob, Rula Halawani, Khalil Rabah, Larissa Sansour, Suha Shoman, Taysir Batniji, Mohammed Al-Hawajri, Jumana Abboud, Rana Bishara, Rula Halawani, Sandi Hilal, Noel Jabbour, Raeda Saadeh, Fawzy Emrany and Steve Sabella

A gallery featuring all of the artwork in the exhibit may be viewed at the link below

Curator's note: This poster, a detail from Larissa Sansour's submission titled "Palestine: A Space Exodus", was printed to announce the exhibit "Palestine In All Its Forms"