Translation/Interpretation/Caption Text:
Palestine's Minister of Culture, Dr. Ehab Bessaiso, nominates The Liberation Graphics Collection of Palestine Posters to UNESCO's Memory of the World program
Ministry of Culture, Ramallah, Palestine - May 21, 2016
From left: Lina Bokhary; Dr. Ehab Bessaiso; Dr. Salim Tamari; Amer Shomali
This is the second time Palestine's posters have been nominated to UNESCO's Memory of the World program. In the first nomination cycle (2014-2015) The Liberation Graphics Collection of Palestine Posters, though approved unanimously by the Memory of the World expert review panel, was vetoed by UNESCO's Director-General, Irina Bokova. Bokova claimed that the Collection, which contains 1,600 posters, many of which are the works of internationally-renowned artists including many Israelis, was "antisemitic" and "inciteful".
Bokova refused to define her terms and rather than identify and discuss specific posters disqualified all 1,600 posters in the Liberation Graphics Collection of Palestine Posters which may be viewed in toto here