Translation/Interpretation/Caption Text: Another version of this poster may be viewed here Artist/Designer/Photographer: Giuliano GiuggioloYear: Circa 2004Publisher: Stop The WallPublished in: ItalySource/Credit/Provenance: InternetStatus/Acquisition Goals: The PPPA seeks a better JPEG of this posterThe PPPA is interested in acquiring an original copy of this poster via tradeThe PPPA has only a digital version of this poster/image/article/graphic/itemNumber of duplicates: 0Related links: Giuliano Giuggiolo's web siteLink to PDF version of this posterStop the Wall web siteWikipedia essay on The WallWellspring: International Artists/AgenciesIconography: Clenched fist/Hand/Arm/FingersMusic/Dance/Instrument/Song/LyricsOlives/Trees/BranchesWoman/FemaleSpecial Collection: Posters RequestedThe Wall/al JidarPalestinian women's traditional garments/embroidery/tatreez