Translation/Interpretation/Caption Text: Hebrew translation: Your life (red) Depends (blue) On your tools (black) Safety Week Artist/Designer/Photographer: Shamir BrothersLanguage: HebrewYear: 1963Publisher: Institute for Safety and Hygiene (Israel)Published in: IsraelStatus/Acquisition Goals: The PPPA seeks a better JPEG of this posterThe PPPA has only a digital version of this poster/image/article/graphic/itemImage index number on CD: 1953Number of duplicates: 0Related links: Wikipedia essay on the Shamir brothers - Gabriel and MaximWellspring: Zionist/Israeli Artists/AgenciesSpecial Collection: Plakate Aus Israel (1985)Workers/Tools/Unions/Construction/Equipment/Factories/IconsShamir BrothersSanitation/Hygiene/Public Health-Safety/Medical/Work safetyInternational Institute of Social History (Amsterdam)