
Title Artist/Designer/Photographer Year
1 view Transporte Al Paradiso Research in Progress 1963
2 view Disappearance of Ben Barka Research in Progress 1967
3 view Ben Barka Research in Progress 1967
4 view For the Rights of the Arab Peoples Tony Evora 1967
5 view Israel and Yankee Imperialists Tony Evora 1967
6 view Pour Les Droits Du Peuple De Palestine Tony Evora 1967
7 view Jornada de Solidaridad Faustino Perez 1968
8 view Jornada de Solidaridad - Possible Unofficial Version Faustino Perez 1968
9 view Fidayin - Fedaine - Fedayeen Lázaro Abrue Padrón 1968
10 view Juntos a Los Pueblos Arabes Lázaro Abrue Padrón 1969
11 view With the Arab Peoples Lázaro Abrue Padrón 1969
12 view Day of Solidarity With the Arab Peoples Berta Abelenda 1969
13 view Day of the Heroic Guerrilla Lázaro Abrue Padrón 1970
14 view Tricontinental No. 57 Research in Progress 1970
15 view Palestine: Crisis and Liberation Faustino Perez 1970
16 view Avec le Peuple Arabe de Syria Lázaro Abrue Padrón 1970
17 view Go Home Heriberto Echeverría 1970
18 view Solidarity With Syria Lázaro Abrue Padrón 1971
19 view El Pueblo Arabe De Siria Olivio Martinez 1972
20 view Nationalization of Petroleum Olivio Martinez 1972
21 view World Solidarity Andres Hernandez 1974
22 view Palestine Palestina Research in Progress 1975
23 view Solidaridad Mundial Victor Manuel Navarette 1975
24 view Palestine - Palestina Olivio Martinez 1975
25 view Pueblo de Palestina Ramon Gonzalez 1975
26 view Sahara - Lucha Victoriosa Alberto Blanco 1975
27 view Independence Or Genocide Rafael Enriquez 1978
28 view La Victoria Sera Research in Progress 1979
29 view Conference of Solidarity Rolando Cordoba 1979
30 view With the Zionist Enemy Eufemia Alvarez 1979
31 view Day of World Solidarity Gladys Acosta 1980
32 view Le 15 Mai Berta Abelenda 1980
33 view Pour le Conscience Humaine Research in Progress 1982
34 view Time of Mourning Research in Progress 1982
35 view Luto - Por La Conciencia Humana Research in Progress 1982
36 view Unity Is Victory Rolando Cordoba 1982
37 view 30th Anniversary of the Egyptian Revolution Rafael Morante 1982
38 view Solidaridad-Solidarite-Solidarity Rafael Morante 1982
39 view Unidos Venceremos Alberto Blanco 1982
40 view Sabra y Chatila Rafael Enriquez 1983
