IHRA: Tell the NECCarlos Latuff
Racist EndeavorProtest Stencil (London)
IHRA No - BDS YesIJAN UK (Int'l Jewish anti-Zionist Network)
Does Not Decrease AntisemitismResearch in Progress
IHRA - Passed! - SSI - DukeResearch in Progress
IHRA - Passed! - SSI - Foothill CollegeResearch in Progress
We Reject the AccusationResearch in Progress
Unpacking the IHRAElias Ayoub
IHRA - Passed! - SSI - UCSBResearch in Progress
IHRA - Passed! - SSI - University of ManitobaResearch in Progress
#NoIHRAResearch in Progress
Call Everyone AntisemiticResearch in Progress
Distorted DefinitionResearch in Progress
IHRA - Passed! - SSI - UGAResearch in Progress
IHRA Definition Is Anti-PalestinianResearch in Progress
IHRA Out of CUNYResearch in Progress
Our Right and Our DestinyDeliberately/Collectively Anonymous
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