Zionist/Israeli Artists/Agencies

Title Artist/Designer/Photographer Year
161 view JNF Leaflet - 1 Otte Wallisch (1903 - 1977) 1930
162 view JNF Leaflet - 2 Otte Wallisch (1903 - 1977) 1930
163 view More and More Jews Otte Wallisch (1903 - 1977) 1930
164 view Palästinensisches Otte Wallisch (1903 - 1977) 1930
165 view The Ballad of the Lieutenant Otte Wallisch (1903 - 1977) 1930
166 view Buy the Products of Eretz Israel! - 2 R. Dayan (Rudolf Deutsch) 1930
167 view Subscribe to 'BaMa'ale! R. Dayan (Rudolf Deutsch) 1930
168 view Invest Your Capital In the Fish Industry Arieh El-Hanani (Sapozhnikov) 1930
169 view Palestine Maritime Lloyd Ltd. Haifa Esther Berlin-Joel 1930
170 view Help Him Build Palestine Modest Stein 1930
171 view Elevate the Dignity of Labor S.T. Hatov, Z. H. 1930
172 view Feel At Home On Jewish Ships Buki Advertising (Palestine Mandate) 1930
173 view Jaffa Oranges Are Best Uriel Kahana (1903-1965) 1930
174 view Haifa - Palestine Ehrmann 1930
175 view Seven Palestinian Motifs - 1 Todros Geller 1930
176 view Palestine Picture Series - Jerusalem Zeev Raban (1890-1970) 1931
177 view Palestine Picture Series - Tiberias Zeev Raban (1890-1970) 1931
178 view Ein Ghetto Im Osten - Wilna Moshe Raviv-Vorobeichic (Moi Ver)(Ankorion) - (1904-1995) 1931
179 view Anti-Semitism - A Challenge to Jewish Youth 1931
180 view Hadassah - 1931 Research in Progress 1931
181 view Jews! Rebuild Palestine Mitchell Loeb (1889-1968) 1931
182 view Magen David Jubilee Otte Wallisch (1903 - 1977) 1931
183 view National Lottery Research in Progress 1932
184 view Congress of the Association for Jewish Family Guardians Schlesinger 1932
185 view Histadrut Elections - 1932 Research in Progress 1932
186 view Levant Fair - In All Pavilions Research in Progress 1932
187 view Maccabiah Games - 1932 - 2 Research in Progress 1932
188 view Maccabiah Games - 1932 -1 Research in Progress 1932
189 view Palestine au Printemps Research in Progress 1932
190 view Palestine & Near East Economic Magazine - 1932 Zeev Raban (1890-1970) 1932
191 view Tel Aviv Palestine Oskar Lachs 1932
192 view Everybody To the Fair Esther Berlin-Joel 1932
193 view Moonlight In Talpiot Meir Gur-Arieh (1891-1951) 1932
194 view Youth Guard - Vilna Zikaria 1932
195 view Children's Village Research in Progress 1933
196 view I Shall Not Buy A Shekel Research in Progress 1933
197 view Makabi - Riga Research in Progress 1933
198 view A Purim Game Nahum Gutman 1933
199 view Svazu Makabi Otte Wallisch (1903 - 1977) 1933
200 view Kfar Ussishkin - Support It's Establishment R. Dayan (Rudolf Deutsch) 1933
