Zionist/Israeli Artists/Agencies

Title Artist/Designer/Photographer Year
241 view Tel Mika Hair Tonic - Made In Palestine Research in Progress 1935
242 view The Land of Israel - Palestine Research in Progress 1935
243 view The Working Woman In Eretz Israel Research in Progress 1935
244 view Transit Camp to Renewal Research in Progress 1935
245 view TRANSLATION in Progress - JAN - 2012 - 12 Research in Progress 1935
246 view A Land of Olive Oil and Honey Franz Krausz (1905-1998) 1935
247 view Dubek Cigarette - Guard and Sport Franz Krausz (1905-1998) 1935
248 view Guide to New Palestine Franz Krausz (1905-1998) 1935
249 view Invest in Palestine - Build the Jewish State Franz Krausz (1905-1998) 1935
250 view Maccabi! - Support the Building of Maccabi Village On JNF Land Franz Krausz (1905-1998) 1935
251 view Ofek Cigarettes Franz Krausz (1905-1998) 1935
252 view Palestine Brewery Ltd. Franz Krausz (1905-1998) 1935
253 view Redeem the Land Franz Krausz (1905-1998) 1935
254 view Second Maccabiah - Tel Aviv - 1935 Franz Krausz (1905-1998) 1935
255 view Tel Aviv - The Wonder City of Palestine Franz Krausz (1905-1998) 1935
256 view Travel Safely - Travel With Egged Franz Krausz (1905-1998) 1935
257 view Yakhin Jaffa Oranges - Jordan Jaffa Oranges Franz Krausz (1905-1998) 1935
258 view Zionist Pioneer - Krausz Draft Franz Krausz (1905-1998) 1935
259 view TRANSLATION In Progress - Dec 2012 - 34 Shamir Brothers 1935
260 view Our Loyal Seedlings Grafika Bezalel 1935
261 view Hebrew Woodblock Font Zvi Berger (1935-1986) 1935
262 view A Palestinian Product of the Highest Quality Rothschild and Lippman (ROLI) 1935
263 view Join The Zionist Organization Otte Wallisch (1903 - 1977) 1935
264 view The Builder Built - The Pioneer Conquered Otte Wallisch (1903 - 1977) 1935
265 view Use Hebrew Ships Otte Wallisch (1903 - 1977) 1935
266 view One Against One Hundred R. Dayan (Rudolf Deutsch) 1935
267 view We Buy Our Own Produce Ben Uri 1935
268 view May Day - 1935 Rico Blass (1908-2002) 1935
269 view Rico Blass - Original Watercolor Rico Blass (1908-2002) 1935
270 view Visit the Zoo Rico Blass (1908-2002) 1935
271 view Passover - The Spring Festival Iza Hershkovitz 1935
272 view The Pioneer Steven Pesach Ir-Sahi (1896-1968) 1935
273 view To the Jewish Public Yosef Bass 1935
274 view The Field Calls You! T.G. 1935
275 view We Build Eretz Israel Lev Dikstein 1935
276 view Palestine Line Tadeusz Trepkowski 1935
277 view First Time In Palestine Peretz (Fritz) Ruschkewitz 1935
278 view Maccabiah Boxing Peretz (Fritz) Ruschkewitz 1935
279 view List of Members - Association of Jewish Commercial Artists In Palestine 1935
280 view 19th Zionist Congress Research in Progress 1935
