Marj Bin AmerTaisir Masrieh
Chest Panels From Palestinian DressesResearch in Progress
Emergency LandingAdnan Al Zubaidy (1951-2007)
Jerusalem Theatre Festival - 1999Mohammed Amous
Flower Blossoms Bara'emSliman Mansour
The Jerusalem Festival of Arabic Music and Jazz - 2000Natasha Al Maani
Global Palestinian Right of ReturnResearch in Progress
Popular Art Centre - 2003Research in Progress
Abu Jabr Al KhaliliNatasha Al Maani
Jerusalem Festival - 2005 Taisir Masrieh
A Happy WomanNatasha Al Maani
We Will ReturnQutaibah Ahmed
Palestinian Children's Festival - 2007Mohammed Amous
Identity of the SoulResearch in Progress
From Jerusalem/ With Love…NajiResearch in Progress
International Volunteer Day - 2012Research in Progress
The Sixteenth International Puppet FestivalMohammed Amous
Palestine International Festival - 2010Taisir Masrieh
Jerusalem Festival - 2010Nader Khoury
Nakba at 62 - Job Screamed TodayMusa'ab Abu Sall
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