Peace - Paix - Salaam - Shalom - 1Azriel Awret, Irene Awret
Peace - Paix - Salaam - Shalom - 2Azriel Awret, Irene Awret
Peace - Paix - Salaam - Shalom - 3Azriel Awret, Irene Awret
The American President - Jimmy CarterResearch in Progress
It's Time For PeaceOri Hofmekler
Peace PrizeResearch in Progress
We Frustrate the Plans Research in Progress
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Camp David - The MovieResearch in Progress
The Begin - Carter - Sadat AllianceResearch in Progress
Une Journée D'occupation Research in Progress
Gathering of World Liberation Movements Rawhani
Proof That Israel Wants PeaceResearch in Progress
Four Dictators and Two Nobel Laureates AgreeAlan Lipton , Kfir Alfia
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No More WarsIdo (Sany) Arazi
How to Make Justice and Peace in the Holy Land Part of Your Church's Faith Journey
I Don't Think Israel Has Any Moral JustificationResearch in Progress
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