First Zionist ArtistEphraim Moses Lilien (1874 - 1925)
I'm Building A Palace In PalestineResearch in Progress
My Rose of Palestine Starmer
Palestine - Sheet MusicResearch in Progress
Rose of Palestine Wilson Art (Chicago)
Palestine OratoriumResearch in Progress
JNF GalaResearch in Progress
Moonlight In TalpiotMeir Gur-Arieh (1891-1951)
Great Good News Research in Progress
At the Flower of the East Café TheatreResearch in Progress
First Time In HaifaResearch in Progress
Now At the Morning Star CaféResearch in Progress
Land of PromiseOtte Wallisch (1903 - 1977)
Palestine Orchestra - ToscaniniResearch in Progress
Professor Noah Ibrahim - At the Theatre of the Martyr's CaféResearch in Progress
Palestine Orchestra - NeumarkResearch in Progress
His Weapons Research in Progress
Pioneer Songs of PalestineResearch in Progress
In the Cities of Palestine - Umm KalthumResearch in Progress
Miss Umm KulthumResearch in Progress
The "Palestinians" Army Concert PartyResearch in Progress
In Aid of the Palestine OrchestraResearch in Progress
Israel Independence Day - 1949 Shamir Brothers
Second National Shomria Rally Shraga Weil
Bezalel - School of Arts and CraftsZila Menussi
A Salute To Israel!Research in Progress
In Love and In StruggleResearch in Progress
ZIM - Cyprus-Greece-ItalyResearch in Progress
Palestine Dances and SongsAlvin Lustig (1915-1955)
Words To the People Moshe Raviv-Vorobeichic (Moi Ver)(Ankorion) - (1904-1995)
Third Year of the State of IsraelIsidor Ascheim (1891-1968), Myer Isaacman
Children's Day - Youth ImmigrationResearch in Progress
Zionist Organization of America House
Josephine Baker - Ziratron - 1Research in Progress
Josephine Baker - Ziratron - 2Research in Progress
Arab Pioneering Youth In IsraelAvraham Omri
GADNA Youth BattalionResearch in Progress
Lionel Hampton - Ziratron HallResearch in Progress
Joy In Heart - Spade In Hand Zeem
Independence Day - Israel Jean David
TRANSLATION In Progress - Aug 2012 - 1David Zak
Elijah - Oratorio By MendelssohnResearch in Progress
GADNA RallyPaul Kor (Kornowski) (1926 -2001)
Martha Graham In IsraelYosef Bass
Festivities of the Arab PopulationWalter Yossef
To Jewish Children EverywhereYehezkel Kimche
State of Israel 10th Anniversary – Celebration For the Minorities In HaifaRafael Mohar
Israeli Folk Dance FestivalIka
Louis Satchmo Armstrong In IsraelYosef Bass
The First International Harp Contest - Israel Avraham Sne-Or
Chopin Festival IsraelResearch in Progress
One Year's Work Yohanan Simon (1905-1976)
Nahal GatheringKruvi Hovev (1930-2007)
A Village Girl - JNF Landscape and Homeland SeriesJoel Rohr
Fete de la MoissonResearch in Progress
Hannukah Allowance Rothschild and Lippman (ROLI)
In the KibbutzBarak Nahsholi
The Spring That WasIsmail Shammout (1930-2006)
Sister-Bride Yemenite TheatreResearch in Progress
Canto Palestinese Sorbo
Songs of the FedayeenEdward McGuire, Natheer Naba'a
We Don't Promise You A Rose GardenRobert Aroyo
Urgent Call of PalestineIsmail Shammout (1930-2006)
Youth Symphonic Orchestra of EssexResearch in Progress
David and Grand Shamir Brothers
Pour la SolidariteResearch in Progress
Psychedelic PostageAsher Cesar (Shlomo Cohen)
Bara'im Music TroupeHakub Kabilanian
Israel - The Land of the BibleJean David
Waiting At the ThresholdAbdel Rahman Al Muzain
Das Lied vom Neuen Morgen El SalvadorsBurhan Karkoutly
Cubs of the Revolution Research in Progress
Dix Ans d'AggressionResearch in Progress
Peace - Paix - Salaam - Shalom - 2Azriel Awret, Irene Awret
Israel Police Concert Stern, Raphie Etgar
Singing For the Flag - The Land - Peace and HumanityAhmad Hegazi
First Anti-Imperialist Song FestivalChips Mackinolty
I Sang For Thee My CountryResearch in Progress
Woe To LoveResearch in Progress
The WeddingAbd Al Aal Hassan, Heba Enayat
Sole Legitimate RepresentativeAbdel Rahman Al Muzain
Bou Makhlouf FestivalResearch in Progress
From the Israel Defense Forces With LoveResearch in Progress
Israel: Home, People, CountryResearch in Progress
From Palestinian HeritageSliman Mansour
In Aid of the Victims of the Israeli InvasionResearch in Progress
Palästina Knete FeteResearch in Progress
Palestijnse en LibanesevolkBulpa
HeritageFathy Ghabin
PPSF Calendar - 1983 - 2Mohammed Abu Salah
Bruce Springsteen In Concert In Israel - 1984Research in Progress
Ashkelon Prison Series - 10Mohammed Roukwie
National Unity - Patriotic Mobilization - LiberationAbdel Rahman Al Muzain
Ashkelon Prison Series - 10 - Second EditionMohammed Roukwie
Wedding In A Palestinian VillageIbrahim Ghannam
Palestinian Folklore Marc Rudin/Jihad Mansour (1945-2023)
Palestinian AlphabetMohieddin El Labbad
Israel Festival - Jerusalem - 1986Raphie Etgar
Miami City Ballet In IsraelResearch in Progress
Jerusalem Jazz FestivalRaphie Etgar
Tales From the BoxJoseph Jibri
Intifadah Flute BoyAbdel Rahman Al Muzain
Palestinian DabkiResearch in Progress
Time of the StonesJamal Al Afghani
A Song of the Palestinian ResistanceJoss Dray, Kamal Boullata (1942 - 2019), Lily Farhoud
Music of Ansar ThreeResearch in Progress
In Celebration of the State of Palestine/La Pena - De Leon - 1Anna De Leon
In Celebration of the State of Palestine/La Pena - De Leon - 2Anna De Leon
Salsa For PalestineJos Sances
Reuven At Mané-Katz Museum In Haifa - 1990Reuven Rubin
Song Lovers TroupeResearch in Progress
El Funoun - Redman - 1Dina Redman
El Funoun - Redman - 2Dina Redman
El Funoun - Redman - 3Dina Redman
Izra Biladi - Seminiamo La PalestinaResearch in Progress
Pete Seeger With the Peace ChoirJos Sances
Norling - Oakland Museum of CaliforniaJane Norling
Rejoice With Jerusalem Assaf Berg
The Land of Zion - JerusalemEllen Miller Braun
Palestine International Festival - 1995Taisir Masrieh
Palestine International Festival - 1995 (Sighting)Taisir Masrieh
SamanaHisham Zreiq
Al Kamandjati Research in Progress
Hope and AnticipationResearch in Progress
Ramzi Research in Progress
Jerusalem Festival - 1998Taisir Masrieh
Palestine International Festival - 1998Taisir Masrieh
Amin - AmenJamal Al Afghani
Ramallah Ninth FestivalNatasha Al Maani
The Song Is PalestineBaha Bouhkhari
TRANSLATION in Progress - DEC 2010 - 142Research in Progress
Flower Blossoms Bara'emSliman Mansour
Flower Blossoms Bara'em - 2Sliman Mansour
The Jerusalem Festival of Arabic Music and Jazz - 2000Natasha Al Maani
Jerusalem Festival - 2002Taisir Masrieh
Popular Art Centre - 2003Research in Progress
Pour la PaixAmal Saade
Dying2Live - BeethovenResearch in Progress
Dying2Live - Oum KalthoomResearch in Progress
Even Though I'm Not JewishResearch in Progress
The Palestinian FluteGiuliano Giuggiolo
Arreglos de PazJos Sances
Palestine Culture and HeritageIsmail Shammout (1930-2006)
6 HoursResearch in Progress
Hoping for Palestine - ConcertResearch in Progress
Marcel Khalife In ConcertResearch in Progress
Grassroots Palestinian Giuliano Giuggiolo
NoiseRonen Eidelman
Musiciens Pour La Palestine - 2005Research in Progress
Palestine International FestivalZan Studio
Voix de PalestineResearch in Progress
Palestine International Festival - Popular Art CenterZan Studio
30 CafesAnne Marie Latrémolière
Baroque Music Festival - 2006Majdi Hadid
Musiciens Pour La Palestine - 2006Research in Progress
Nos Luttes Forgent L'avenir Research in Progress
The Music Says No!Majdi Hadid
Swallowed A RadioZan Studio
The Jifna Apricot Festival - 2007Hafez Omar
Al Kamandjati - 1987 - 2007Majdi Hadid
Baroque Music Festival - 2007Majdi Hadid
Concerts In Memory of Edward W. SaidMajdi Hadid
Fete de la Musique - 2007Majdi Hadid
Esperanza Spalding - Voices Beyond WallsAlex Hage, Ben Mauer
MusraramixRe-Levant Design (Israel)
Dance Festivals - Beirut - Amman - RamallahResearch in Progress
National Conservatory of MusicZan Studio
Edward Said Mural (Final)Fayeq Oweis , Susan Greene
Edward Said Mural (Original)Fayeq Oweis , Susan Greene
Palestine International Festival for Dance and Music - 2007Bashar Al Horoub
Palestinian Children's Festival - 2007Mohammed Amous
Musiciens Pour La Palestine - 2007Julien Leray
Checkpoint 303 - Maryland USAResearch in Progress
Live In TokyoResearch in Progress
Musiciens Pour La Palestine - 2008Research in Progress
Palestine Remains My MelodyResearch in Progress
Palestijns Elektronisch Muziek FestivalZan Studio
Sonic ResistanceZan Studio
Jerusalem Festival - 2008Taisir Masrieh
Baroque Music Festival - 2008Majdi Hadid
Sorry...Visit Denied!Riyad Hamad
New FleshAmitai Sandy
Andras Schiff In Piano RecitalResearch in Progress
DAM Is Coming From PalestineResearch in Progress
For the Right of ReturnResearch in Progress
Like The Phoenix Research in Progress
Liverpool Arabic ArtsResearch in Progress
Marcel Khalife National Music CompetitionResearch in Progress
Palestine International Festival - 2008Research in Progress
The Palestine OrchestrasZan Studio
Palestine International Festival for Dance and Music - 2008Hafez Omar
Al Kamandjati Show - 2008Majdi Hadid
Festival of Music - 2008Majdi Hadid
Children Learn From Their LivesBaha Bouhkhari
Rim Banna ConcertWael Wakeem
What More Will You Ask of Us, Motherland?David Tartakover
Musiciens Pour La Palestine - 2009Research in Progress
Rock the CasbahResearch in Progress
Starving the Children of Gaza Is Not A Jewish ValueResearch in Progress
Bulgarian Cultural Week - PalestineHosni Radwan
Strike Zionism!!AutaAutistik
5th Baroque Music Festival - 2009Majdi Hadid
Sebastia Trip - 2009Majdi Hadid
Sharia Simsim - Find The Five SensesMohammed Amous
Sharia Simsim - The Four SeasonsMohammed Amous
The Street Is OursMaya Chami
Ramallah UndergroundMichaela Mayer
Mixed Weddings No - But Mixed Transportation Yes??Yoni Gerstein (S. Yarkoni)
Beethoven Sonatas - Elisabeth LeonskajaResearch in Progress
Break the Barriers With Your WordsResearch in Progress
Flute Recital - Emmanuel PahudResearch in Progress
Hip Hop For GazaResearch in Progress
Hip Hop KomResearch in Progress
Indigenous PalestineResearch in Progress
International Right of Return Festival Research in Progress
MurasinaResearch in Progress
My Life Is Torture Research in Progress
My Life Is Torture - ArabicResearch in Progress
Maharajan Filistin Al DawliTaisir Masrieh
Jerusalem Festival - 2009Reem Jahshan
El Funoun - Dancing 30Abdellatif R. Abdeljawad
150th Anniversary of Herzl's BirthResearch in Progress
Demonstrations Against the Removal of Palestinian Families From Sheikh JarrahResearch in Progress
Haifa Festival of Palestinian Culture and HeritageResearch in Progress
Saturday Night In Kfar TapuachResearch in Progress
Fete De La Musique - 2010Mohammed Amous
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 24Reem Jahshan
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 1Neven Shtayeh
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 2Refat Innab
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 3Sofia Hasan
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 4Duaa Abu Sharkh
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 6Amjad Qabaar
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 7Nameer Abed Elhaq
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 11Ahmad Abboushi
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 12Hanah Itayim Al-Taweel
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 13Sama Aglan
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 14Liana Abu Aita
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 16Nasri Khoury
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 17Rami Abbas
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 15Belal Al Herbawi
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 18Ramzi Hazboun
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 21Ahmad Abd Elkhaleq
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 20Baha Khoury
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 19Muhammad Abu Ishaq
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 22Amer Amin
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 23Samer Nazzal
Jerusalem Festival 2010 - Poster Contest Entry - 25Hussein Zuhour
Palestine Solidarity Campaign - Winter Concert 2010Paula Cox
Ibda!!Jos Sances
Have You Ever Been To Dandanat?Research in Progress
Hip Hop Bus Tour - 2010Research in Progress
Palestine International Festival - 2010Taisir Masrieh
Palestine International Festival - 2010 - Artist's StudyTaisir Masrieh
Aliyah Revolution Rachel Stomel
Jerusalem Festival - 2010Nader Khoury
Checkpoint ExperienceShelby Hohl
Houston Palestine Film Festival - Rooftop Kick Off Party Shelby Hohl
Our Harvest - Learning and CreativityAmy Trabka
Our Stories Inspire UsAhmad Al Aidi, Amy Trabka
Palestinian Ramadan Artistic Evenings Rima Al Muzain
A SecretWael Wakeem
Salim AcceptedWael Wakeem
"Whites Only"Research in Progress
37% Of the Population of Gaza Is Homeless...Dance!Research in Progress
All For Peace RadioResearch in Progress
Apartheid Is Not A Jewish ValueResearch in Progress
Batsheva Dance Company - No Arabs Since 1964!Research in Progress
Beats For PalestineResearch in Progress
Christmas Concert By Shibat GroupResearch in Progress
Egyptian - Palestinian NightResearch in Progress
RAM FM - Bob MarleyResearch in Progress
Palestine International Festival - 2011Taisir Masrieh
Gaza Is Like No Other PlaceVirginie Moerenhout
Inge Neefs - Live From GazaVirginie Moerenhout
Sling Shot Hip HopFreeXero
Palestine Days - Freiburg 2011Viqar Ali
We Sing For PalestineAmin Khalil
International Refugee DayMohamed Gaber
Vegetarian ThursdayTaher Kais
Jasmine FestivalFares Mansour
Nights of Tarab in Arab JerusalemFares Mansour
Singing Wounds - Kamal NasserFares Mansour
Ramallah Contemporary Dance Festival - 2011Zan Studio
Suoni Per Il Popolo FestivalJesse Purcell
Alanis Morissette - Guardian Angel TourResearch in Progress
Baitunia Municipal Park Summer CampResearch in Progress
Beit Aneeseh Music Festival - 1 Research in Progress
Beit Aneeseh Music Festival - 2 Research in Progress
BFC - Ghostown Presents!Research in Progress
Bir Zeit NightResearch in Progress
Capoeira In Jerusalem!Research in Progress
Don't Dance With Israeli ApartheidResearch in Progress
H.B.D. Mr. MarlyResearch in Progress
I'm A Palestinian - Equal Rights For AllResearch in Progress
Journeys To PalestineResearch in Progress
Palestine Awareness Week - UCLA - 2012Research in Progress
Palestine Hip-HopResearch in Progress
Peace Upon MusicResearch in Progress
TRANSLATION In Progress - Dec 2012 - 5Research in Progress
Palestine International Festival - 2012Taisir Masrieh
Do Not Hit MuteHafez Omar
Thirty Three Years of Dance and BeyondHafez Omar
Al Kamandjati - 7th Fete de la Musique Majdi Hadid, Sylvain Lefeuvre
Fete de la Musique - 2012Majdi Hadid
I'm Going Back To My HomelandRiyad Hamad
Will I See You In Your Eminence?Amer Amin , Faris Amin
Al Janana Spring Mobile Festival - 2012Amy Trabka
Watar Troupe Muhannad Abu Ghosh
A Concert By Nizar El KhaterRula Jammalieh
The Palestinian Intellectual Edward SaidRula Jammalieh
Hebrew MusicWaleed Idrees
Ramallah Contemporary Dance Festival - 2012Joe Kesrouani
I Am the PeopleGuevara Abed Al Qader
Have You Ever Been To DandanatDavid Nour
Palestinian-Swedish Cultural EncounterDavid Nour
Haifa SoundDESO
Jerusalem Festival - 2012 Research in Progress
Trip To the MoonResearch in Progress
Didn't Prevent Us From UnderstandingHafez Omar
Baroque Music Festival 2012 - Al Kamandjati AssociationMajdi Hadid
Occupied Lands - Scattered DiasporasXavier Luis Burgos
Hip Hop Is Bigger Than the OccupationKyle Goen
Les 10 Ans d'Al KamandjatiColin Junius
ARIJ - Palestine Nights For MusicResearch in Progress
Palestinian Hip Hop - 2013Research in Progress
Students For Peace and Justice In Palestine - Virginia TechResearch in Progress
Boycott Apartheid - Boycott IsraelMohammed Hassona
The Palestinian Artist - Amal KaawashFatima Hussein
Anti Drones Week EventHarry Rogers
Rhan o'r Wythnos yn erbyn DronauHarry Rogers
Dance and BeyondResearch in Progress
Donia Jarrar - Music In the GardenResearch in Progress
Fools of ProphecyResearch in Progress
Head ClearingResearch in Progress
Music In the AtticResearch in Progress
Maharajan Filistin Al Dawli - 2Taisir Masrieh
Music Days Festival 2013 - Al Kamandjati AssociationMajdi Hadid
Dream of the DesertMohammed Amous
Baroque Music Festival - 2013 Publicis Zoom
UN Concert - Day of SolidarityMartin Samaan
Concert for the Children of GazaResearch in Progress
Sing For PalestineResearch in Progress
Bir Zeit EveningAmer Shomali
Rebel MusicShepard Fairey
Fête de la Musique - 2014Nidal El Khairy
Oushaq Dance CampMohammed Amous
Palestine Sacred Music Festival - 2014Shadi Balshah
Brighton To PalestineResearch in Progress
Cultura et Identidad Palestina Research in Progress
Irish Music for PalestineResearch in Progress
Lajee TourResearch in Progress
Palestine RocksResearch in Progress
Williamsburg Art BattleResearch in Progress
Experimental PerformanceMohammed Amous
The Piano of YarmoukEthan Heitner
Al Raseef - Street Band PalestineseResearch in Progress
Boyott Israel's Cultural AmbassadorsResearch in Progress
RE MIXResearch in Progress
Stompin UpResearch in Progress
Ramallah Contemporary Dance Festival - 2016Amer Shomali
Palestine International Festival - 2016 - Artist's StudyTaisir Masrieh
A Musical JourneyMajdi Hadid, Shada Abu Qura
Douban - Three YearsMohammed Amous
Dubki wa DurubkiMohammed Amous
Groovy PalestineFiras Shehadeh
2016 Houston Palestinian Festival ArtWorkWafa Sultana
6th Annual Houston Palestinian Festival Poster ContestWafa Sultana
Hell No We Won't Go!Doug Minkler
Palestine Youth Orchestra - Bir Zeit UniversityResearch in Progress
Sounds of ResistanceResearch in Progress
Palestine International Festival 2017Taisir Masrieh
A Spiritual JourneyMajdi Hadid
Sawa Sawa FestivalMohammed Amous
Zamir Student ExhibitMohammed Amous
Nick Cave - Sold Out Protest Stencil (London)
Sold Out to Israeli ApartheidProtest Stencil (London)
2017 Houston Palestinian Festival ArtWorkAsem Shahed
Concert D'OuvertureStudio Akakir (France)
Heed the CallArielle Angel
Apartheid IsraelitaResearch in Progress
No NaturalicemosResearch in Progress
Palestine TourResearch in Progress
Jerusalem Nights - 2018 (Tišrīn al-Awwal)Taisir Masrieh
Palestine International Festival - 2018Taisir Masrieh
From the Sacred Land of PalestineMajdi Hadid, Munir Habib
Ton Nom de PalestineRashid Koraichi
2018 Houston Palestinian Festival ArtWorkAsem Shahed
Una VozMajd Masri
Ottawa Palestinian Festival - 5thMadison Bolatto
Latin-Arab ConnexionStudio Akakir (France)
Se Souvenir de la NakbaFred Sochard
Student Films From Palestine - 2018Design Altar, Marc Maximov
Independence - 2018Eliram
MLK In PalestineJim Best
Tournée 2019
Celebrate PalestineResearch in Progress
Gaza - SIPTUResearch in Progress
Musicians Stand For JusticeResearch in Progress
Systematized ApartheidResearch in Progress
Ya TayrResearch in Progress
Shomali - Bir Zeit - 2019Amer Shomali
Hip Hop GamesBahadir Badi Berber
A Musical JourneyRawan Anani
TPFF - 2019Patrice Roc
Kofia: Palestine My LandIsmail Shammout (1930-2006)
Pal-Entines!Research in Progress
Palestine UndergroundResearch in Progress
SalalMohammed Amous
BorderlineKarine Savard
Directly Counters BDSResearch in Progress
DJ's Against Arms SalesResearch in Progress
Festival of ResistanceResearch in Progress
Gig For GazaResearch in Progress
Saving Lives In PalestineMohammed Al Hawajri
Rap MilitanteResearch in Progress
Return To RamallahResearch in Progress
Palestine International Festival - 2022Mohammed Amous
Cine-Palestine 8thDina Matar
From GazaJim Best
How He SingsDeliberately/Collectively Anonymous
New Posters and Collections
IranCartoon 2020 Palestine Is Not Alone Poster Contest